Module 06 - Technology & Tools

Imagine you're at Home Depot on a mission for a simple pack of screws. But then, something shiny catches your eye. It's the 'Ultra-Torque-9000-Pro-Max' - the Rolls Royce of power drills. You didn't come for a power drill, but the sleek design, the multitude of attachments, and the promise of becoming the ultimate DIY hero is too irresistible to ignore. So, you buy it, along with a host of other tools that look just as impressive.

You return home, triumphantly hiding your new arsenal from your spouse. You tell yourself you'll get so much done around the house with these tools. After all, they look so powerful and professional!

Months, even years pass. Your shiny, exciting tools are still in their original packaging, relegated to the darkest corner of your garage. The 'Ultra-Torque-9000-Pro-Max' remains untouched, its potential unexplored. You've no idea how to use it, what it does, or what problems it could solve. The allure of its shiny packaging and impressive features proved too strong, and you fell for it, hook, line, and sinker.

Now, let's look at this through the lens of corporate technology and tools.

Companies often become enamored with the latest tech trends and tools. They're lured in by flashy presentations, promises of efficiency, and the thrill of staying ahead of the curve. So they invest heavily, bringing in a host of software and tools that would make any tech enthusiast drool.

But much like your garage full of unused tools, these technologies often end up underutilized or even completely untouched. Employees don't understand how to use them, or what problem they're supposed to solve with them.

In the end, the company has a 'garage' full of expensive, unused technology, and they're left screwing things in manually because no one knows how to operate the 'Ultra-Torque-9000-Pro-Max' of their software suite. And just like at home, they might find themselves needing to hide these unused tools from their 'corporate spouse' - the shareholders!

As a management expert, I have seen time and time again how providing employees with the right technology and tools is essential to maximize their productivity, job satisfaction, and overall job performance. Equipping employees with the right technology helps them work efficiently, streamline processes, reduce errors, and improve communication. Investing in technology can increase productivity and competitiveness while keeping employees engaged and motivated.

Companies must adapt to stay competitive in today's fast-paced business world. One of the most critical aspects of adapting is by investing in the right technology and tools to enable employees to perform their job optimally. The technology industry is constantly evolving, and companies must keep up with the latest trends and advancements to keep pace with the competition.

Having the right tools and technology is vital for employee performance and productivity. Employees with access to the latest technology can work more efficiently and effectively, allowing them to complete their work faster and more accurately. This not only helps the business to achieve its goals but also makes employees feel valued and appreciated.

Investing in technology also helps to streamline processes, reducing the workload on employees and increasing productivity. For instance, automating repetitive tasks such as data entry or report generation can free up valuable time for employees, enabling them to focus on other critical tasks that require their skills and expertise.

Top 10 Benefits of Addressing the Causes Leading to a Lack of Appropriate Technology and Tools in the Workplace:

  1. Optimized Budget Allocation: By recognizing the importance of technology and allocating budget effectively, organizations can maximize ROI by choosing the most impactful tools that cater to their needs.
  2. Staying Competitive: Keeping abreast of technology trends ensures that organizations remain competitive in the market, benefiting from the latest advancements.
  3. Enhanced Employee Morale: Addressing resistance to change and training needs can result in higher employee morale, as they feel equipped and supported in their roles.
  4. Increased Productivity: Proper training and user-friendly tools ensure employees can perform tasks efficiently, maximizing productivity.
  5. Streamlined Operations: Efficient procurement processes eliminate delays, ensuring that employees have the tools they need when they need them.
  6. Future-Proofing: Upgrading legacy systems and ensuring compatibility allows for smoother integration of future technological advancements.
  7. Inclusive Working Environment: Ensuring technology access for all, including remote or mobile workers, promotes an inclusive environment where every team member can contribute effectively.
  8. Enhanced Security: Addressing cybersecurity concerns not only protects the organization's data but also builds trust with clients and stakeholders.
  9. Reliability and Uptime: Investing in high-quality, reliable technology minimizes disruptions, ensuring operations run smoothly without unexpected downtimes.
  10. Strategic Growth: With clear planning and strategy for technology implementation, organizations can make informed decisions, aligning their tech investments with their long-term growth objectives.

Use Case: A Large Telecommunications Company

Situation: The client was complaining about quality issues with the Service Desk. Long wait times. A high number of abandoned calls. Long service/talk times. A high amount of transfers/reassignments. A high number of repeat/chronic/reopen tickets. A high number of escalations. A high number of ticket backlogs. Declining CSAT.

Task: Improve the quality of the service desk to address the issues raised by the client.

Action: 1 - Review switch and ticket stats to validate the perceptions. 2 - Identify the failing areas. 3 - Determine the root cause and contributing factors of the failing areas. 4 - Implement an action plan to remediate the issues.

Results: In the actions that were implemented, it was determined that one of the root causes for the delays was due to the service desk teams not having dual monitors or working tools. The Service desk agents were having to switch between screens which were causing delays. Having two monitors would allow them to have the chat/remote takeover session on one screen and the knowledgebase, ITSM tool and other support tools on another screen. Also, the remote takeover tool, the client VPN and other tools were unstable, causing restarts of the applications or restarts of the system. Funding was secured to provide the agents with dual monitors, and Level 2 teams were engaged to resolve the support tool stability issues. As a result, employee stat improved, client stat improved, and overall KPIs improved.


Investing in the right technology and tools, while simultaneously ensuring adequate employee training and support, is pivotal for their performance and overall job satisfaction. Such investments empower employees to perform tasks efficiently, foster effective communication, and bolster collaboration among colleagues. Beyond the tangible tools, investing in the holistic well-being and work-life balance of employees translates to higher retention rates, uplifted morale, and a workforce that's truly engaged. As we've seen, communication and collaboration are cornerstones of a thriving organization, and where do these often manifest? In meetings.

With that, are you prepared to delve into the art and science of effective meetings? In our next module, we'll explore how meetings, when conducted efficiently, can become powerful platforms for decision-making, brainstorming, and aligning teams. As technology provides the tools, meetings offer the stage for their optimal use. Join us as we uncover the best practices to make every meeting matter.