When it comes to sales, there are few approaches more dangerous than “winning the deal and figuring out how to deliver it later”. Unfortunately, this sentiment is all too common in the sales industry, and represents one of the biggest issues facing any salesperson or team.

The first and foremost problem with this mentality is that it undermines the credibility of both you as a salesperson and your company as a whole. Customers will not do business with people who cannot commit to delivering what they have sold – after all, this is essentially lying to the customer about what they can expect from your company. It also reflects poorly on many other aspects of your company such as organizational capabilities and product/solution quality.

Secondly, by focusing purely on winning a sale without thinking about delivery could lead to disastrous results for both you and your customers. For instance, if you don’t have an appropriate solution or plan for delivering what you have sold, then this could lead to failed project deadlines or unexpected costs which would not only be damaging for your reputation but also leave your customers feeling cheated out of their hard-earned money.

In order to make sure that this kind of situation never occurs, it is important that businesses remember to focus on delivery just as much (if not more) than closing a sale. This means having an in-depth understanding of everything from timelines and resources needed for each sale to ensuring that customer expectations are realistic and can be met within those timelines. By doing so, customers will know exactly what they will receive from you before signing a contract – giving them peace of mind that your company can deliver on its promises.

Ultimately, successful selling isn’t just about getting people to sign on the dotted line – it’s about making sure that each customer has an exceptional experience throughout every step of their buying journey – from pitch through delivery and beyond. And in order to do so effectively - never forget that before we win the deal - we should always figure out how we’ll deliver it properly first!