Hiring smart people and setting organizational goals and objectives is not enough to ensure success.
Without proper guidance and support, even the most talented employees may struggle to achieve the desired results. This can lead to frustration, demoralization, and ultimately, underperformance.
Providing clear direction and goals while also giving employees the freedom to devise their own tactical plans allows them to use their skills and expertise to their full potential. This approach fosters creativity, innovation, and ownership, leading to better outcomes and a more engaged and motivated workforce.

As a business owner or manager, it can be tempting to micromanage every aspect of your team's work. After all, you want to ensure that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively, and that your organization's goals and objectives are met. However, research has shown that taking a hands-off approach and allowing your employees the freedom to devise their own tactical plans can lead to better outcomes and a more engaged and motivated workforce.

First, it's important to recognize that hiring smart people is just the first step in building a successful team. Simply telling your employees what to do and expecting them to execute without any input or creative thought is not only demoralizing, it also limits their potential to contribute to the organization. By giving your team the opportunity to come up with their own approaches to solving problems and achieving results, you allow them to bring their unique skills and expertise to the table. This not only leads to more innovative and effective solutions, but it also fosters a sense of ownership and pride in their work.

Another benefit of this approach is that it allows your employees to take on more responsibility and grow within their roles. When you give them the freedom to devise their own plans and strategies, you are essentially trusting them to do their best work and make decisions that align with the overall goals of the organization. This trust can be incredibly empowering and can inspire your team to take on additional tasks and challenges.

Of course, this doesn't mean that you should completely let go of the reins and allow your employees to do whatever they want. It's important to set clear goals and objectives, and to provide some guardrails to ensure that your team stays on track. However, within those boundaries, you should allow your team the autonomy to come up with their own tactics and approaches. This can create a sense of ownership and accountability that is crucial for success.

Now, let's address the opposing view. Some may argue that giving employees too much freedom can lead to chaos and confusion, and that it's important to maintain tight control over every aspect of the work. While it's true that a certain level of structure and oversight is necessary, it's also important to recognize that too much control can stifle creativity and innovation. By constantly checking in on your team and micromanaging their work, you may actually be hindering their ability to come up with their own solutions and ideas.

Additionally, some may argue that giving employees too much freedom can lead to a lack of accountability. However, research has shown that when people are given the opportunity to take ownership of their work and make their own decisions, they are more likely to feel a sense of responsibility and accountability for their actions. By trusting your team to do their best work and make decisions that align with the goals of the organization, you can actually increase accountability and drive better results.

In conclusion, giving your employees the freedom to devise their own tactical plans and approaches to achieving the organization's goals and objectives can lead to more innovative solutions, a more engaged and motivated workforce, and increased accountability. While it's important to set clear goals and provide some guardrails, it's also crucial to trust your team and allow them the autonomy to use their skills and expertise to their full potential.

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