Do you feel like life is out of your control? Are you wishing that someone else would come along and give you a leg up or pick you up from the ground? While having help from other people can be beneficial, it’s important to remember that true power lies within ourselves. Self-empowerment is the ability to recognize our own strengths and capabilities in order to take charge of our lives and move forward with purposeful intent.

The journey towards self-empowerment starts with believing in yourself and embracing any difficult task that gets thrown your way with resilience – this is true empowerment. Here are some ways to become more self-empowered:

  1. Acknowledge Your Feelings & Thoughts: An important part of becoming more empowered is learning to acknowledge all aspects of your being–not just the positive ones! This means taking the time to understand both your feelings and thoughts, rather than trying to push them away or ignore them completely. By giving yourself permission to experience these emotions and explore the whys behind them, you’ll gain greater insight into who you are and what makes you unique.
  2. Take Ownership Over Your Life: It’s easy to get caught up in external factors such as work environments, family dynamics or societal conventions – but no one can give us power without permission! Taking ownership over our lives involves recognizing when we need help, but also being proactive about finding solutions independently and taking full responsibility for our actions (and any consequences they bring).
  3. Have a Growth Mindset: Having a growth mindset allows us to break through societal conventions so that we can make meaningful progress on our goals and dreams. With this kind of attitude, failures are seen as opportunities for learning something new about ourselves; plus, there's always room for improvement! Having this type of outlook will help you stay focused even when things don’t go according to plan or after initial setbacks.
  4. Connect With Others: Building relationships with those around us can provide great motivation when times are tough–it’s not just about being alone on the journey towards self-empowerment! Additionally, talking openly about goals (especially when sharing struggles) can create an opportunity for personal growth by sparking dialogue around potential solutions for overcoming challenges.

Self-empowerment isn’t something that happens overnight; it takes time and practice before feeling like everything is under control again. But by having dedication towards developing a positive mindset and committing yourself towards actions driven by purposeful intent – anything becomes possible! With self-empowerment comes unlimited potential – so don't wait around for others to give you permission before moving forward: take charge of your life today!