Toxic senior management often leads to manager-on-manager toxicity in an organization, creating an environment of discord and mistrust among colleagues. This creates unnecessary stress for employees, preventing them from performing at their best or feeling comfortable in their workplace.
Left unchecked, this manager-on-manager toxicity can lead to decreased morale and high turnover among employees - not only costing your organization time and money; it also negatively impacts employee satisfaction, leading to fewer successful projects and weaker insight into customer needs and wants.
The key here is for organizations to focus on goals, behaviours, structures always looking forward instead of attempting to change outdated mindsets. Leaders need to create an environment where collaboration is encouraged and valued over competition or fear of failure, promote a culture of respect by listening actively when staff speak up with ideas – even those that might seem controversial at first – as well as having clear expectations for everyone within the team so nobody feels left out or excluded from important conversations.


Manager-on-manager toxicity is a problem in many companies today that, if left unchecked, can lead to decreased productivity and employee dissatisfaction. Organizations must focus on goals and behaviours rather than attempting to change outdated mindsets and instead create an environment where strong communication and collaboration are rewarded over toxic behaviour. Leaders need to take a proactive approach by actively listening when staff speak up with ideas, setting clear expectations for everyone within the team, and fostering an atmosphere of respect in order to prevent this type of toxicity from occurring.


It's no secret that toxic managers can have a huge negative impact on the morale and performance of their teams. But what about when it's the senior managers who are driving the toxicity in an organization? It's a problem that needs urgent addressing - but if handled correctly, this could be an opportunity for organizations to take their leadership practices and cultures towards greater success. By harnessing the power of mindsets and behaviours, leaders can create conditions where strong communication and collaboration are rewarded instead of toxic behaviour going unchecked. A proactive approach is needed if you want to foster a working environment where team members feel respected, appreciated and invested in; resulting in increased productivity, better customer insight and ultimately more successful projects all round!

Problem Overview

Manager on manager toxicity occurs when one manager abuses their positional power or authority over other managers in order to gain competitive advantage, further their personal goals or simply out of spite. It can also be seen as a form of bullying or manipulation. This type of behavior often results in low morale among employees and can create an uncomfortable atmosphere where productive work cannot take place.

  1. Overbearing Behaviour - When senior managers try to control the decisions and actions of their subordinates, this can create an environment where creativity and innovation are stifled.
  2. Micromanagement - Senior managers who become overly involved in tasks that should be handled by lower level managers can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed or undervalued by employees.
  3. Intimidating Demeanor - The use of threats, insults or humiliation against other managers will have a negative impact on staff morale and performance levels.
  4. Lack Of Trust - Managers who fail to trust their subordinate’s judgement or decisions will cause resentment and undermine any attempt at building trust between them and their team members
  5. Gossiping & Drama - Engaging in petty gossip about colleagues or using sarcasm as a way to belittle others will create an unhealthy work culture which can negatively affect everyone involved

Solution Overview: Harnessing Positivity For Managers & Empowering Teams

In order for any organization to be successful, it is important to foster an environment where managers and employees can feel safe, comfortable and respected. To overcome the challenges of manager-on-manager toxicity, a positive approach should be taken. This involves taking steps to create an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect amongst all members of the team, as well as providing support and guidance when needed.

  1. Encourage Open Communication - Senior managers should encourage open communication between themselves and their subordinates in order to ensure that all team members are on the same page.
  2. Address Tensions Immediately - If there is evidence of tension or disagreements between senior managers, they should make sure to address this issue head-on in order to avoid escalation.
  3. Focus On The Big Picture - Instead of getting too caught up in details or focusing solely on short-term goals, senior managers should look at the long-term objectives and strategies for achieving them.
  4. Respect Each Other’s Authority - Senior managers need to recognize each other’s authority and not push their weight around in order to maintain harmony amongst the team.
  5. Model Positive Behaviour - Leaders need to lead by example by demonstrating respect for others, good listening skills and a willingness to help out whenever possible


Manager on manager toxicity is a real issue that can have a serious impact on any organization. In order for leaders to create a productive and harmonious environment, it is essential that they understand the signs of this type of behaviour and take steps to prevent it from occurring. By encouraging open communication, respecting each other's authority and setting an example with positive behaviour, senior managers can set the tone for success within their team.

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