I was impacted by some news yesterday, which I was unprepared for. There's a part of me that felt this news could or should have a devastating impact on my outlook, however, although there were undercurrents of anxiety and panic, there was also a calm, which I couldn't put my finger on. As I reflected on the news throughout the day, I kept asking myself I should be panicking, but yet here I am showing minimal emotion. With continued reflection, I realize that practising mindfulness and strengthening my control of my mindsets and behaviors, along with, praying regularly, being thankful for what I have, being thankful for the guidance that I'm receiving, and knowing that God has a plan for me, helped me to stay in control.

Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, and sometimes it feels like we're constantly being battered by an unrelenting storm of challenges. It can be easy to fall into the trap of thinking, "Why me? Why do I always have to face these obstacles?" We may feel like we're carrying a weight that's too heavy to bear, and that we're destined to be crushed by the burden of our struggles.

But it's precisely in these moments that we have the opportunity to show our strength, resilience, and courage. When we're faced with adversity, we have a choice - we can either crumble under the weight of it, or we can rise up and meet the challenge head-on.

And sometimes, life throws us a curveball that we never saw coming - a sudden loss, a shocking betrayal, a devastating illness. These are the moments that can leave us feeling like we've been knocked off our feet, and that we'll never be able to regain our balance. We may be tempted to give up, to surrender to the pain and despair.

But these are also the moments when we have the chance to prove ourselves. We can choose to see the challenge as an opportunity to grow, to learn, to become stronger and wiser. We can choose to believe that we are capable of overcoming even the greatest obstacles, that we have the power to rise above the pain and the struggle.

And if we look at it from a religious perspective, we can see that every challenge we face is a test from God. He knows our strength and our limits, and He will never give us a challenge that we can't handle. He is with us every step of the way, guiding us and supporting us, even when we can't see Him.

So let us embrace the challenges that come our way, knowing that they are an opportunity to show our strength, to grow, and to become the best version of ourselves. Let us believe that we are capable of overcoming anything, and that we have the support and guidance of a loving God who will never abandon us.