Before you can change, you have to ask yourself what you are looking for a change. What are you unhappy with? What is the root cause of that unhappiness? Only when you find the true root cause of the dissatisfaction, can you take steps to implement last change.

You can change the name, you can change the logo, you can change the branding kit, but if you don't change the underlying system, you will eventually revert back to who you were. Most businesses re-invent themselves by changing product names, service names, and even company names in hopes of generating more revenues and profits. But where they fail in their transformation journey is to change the underlying systems, mindsets, and behaviours. Without these core, foundational changes, the benefits from the pseudo-transformation will eventually fade, and results will revert back to where they were.

In order to effect real and lasting change, it is necessary to address the underlying systems, mindsets, and behaviours that contribute to the problem. Only by making these fundamental changes will it be possible to achieve the desired outcome. This can be a difficult and lengthy process, but it is essential if we are to achieve our goals. It is also important to remember that change is often gradual and may not happen overnight. However, if we are patient and persistent, eventually, we will see the results we desire.

Most businesses re-invent themselves through superficial changes instead of making foundational changes

Most businesses go through cycles of change in order to stay relevant and profitable. However, many businesses rely on superficial changes rather than making foundational changes. This can be seen in the way that businesses often change their logo or website design without addressing the underlying issues that are causing them to lose customers or market share. While such changes may give the appearance of progress, they often do not address the root problems that the business is facing. As a result, the business may find itself in the same position a few years down the line, having wasted time and resources on changes that did not ultimately improve the bottom line. To be truly successful, businesses need to be willing to make tough decisions and address the underlying issues that are holding them back. Only then will they be able to move forward in a meaningful way.

These superficial changes don't work in the long run and results revert back to where they were

When people are looking to make changes in their lives, they often think that making superficial changes will be enough. They may change their hair style, the way they dress, or their workout routine. However, these changes don't usually last long. eventually, people revert back to their old ways. why does this happen?

One reason is that superficial changes don't address the underlying issues that people are trying to change. For example, someone may try a new diet in an attempt to lose weight. But if they don't address the reasons why they overeat in the first place, they're likely to go back to their old eating habits once the diet is over. Similarly, someone who gets a new haircut may feel better about themselves for a while, but if they don't deal with the insecurity that led them to want a new haircut in the first place, they'll probably end up changing their hair again.

Another reason why superficial changes don't work is because they're not sustainable. A new diet or workout routine can be hard to stick to, and it's easy to fall back into old habits once people slip up. Additionally, superficial changes often require a lot of effort and planning. For example, someone who wants to change their hair color will have to buy new hair products and maybe even make multiple trips to the salon. This can be expensive and time-consuming, which makes it difficult to maintain long-term.

Ultimately, superficial changes may provide some short-term satisfaction, but they usually don't work in the long run. If you're looking to make lasting changes in your life, it's important to focus on addressing the underlying issues that you're trying to change. Otherwise, you'll likely end up right back where you started.

Businesses need to make core, foundational changes in order to see real transformation

In order to see real transformation, businesses need to make core, foundational changes. This means addressing the root causes of problems rather than simply treating the symptoms. For example, if a company is struggling with morale, instead of holding team-building exercises, it should look at the policies and procedures that may be causing employees to feel disengaged. Only by making changes at the level of the organization will businesses be able to effect real, lasting change.

Most businesses fall into the trap of superficial change - they think that making small, cosmetic changes will be enough to bring about real transformation. But in reality, these changes are only skin deep and don't last in the long run. If you want to see true change in your business, you need to make fundamental, core changes to the underlying systems, mindsets, and behaviours. This might seem like a daunting task, but it's essential if you want to see real results. So where do you start? Implementing real change begins with understanding what needs to be changed and then taking actionable steps to make those changes happen. It won't happen overnight, but if you're committed to seeing your business transform, it's worth the effort. Are you ready to make real change happen in your business?