Life can suck.
When life gives you lemons, instead of trying to make the best of a difficult situation, you feel overwhelmed and defeated.
Take those lemons and assertively stand up for yourself by shoving them down life's throat. This implies that you are taking control of the situation and not letting it get the best of you.

Life's not fair. Get used to it. Life will constantly give you lemons, and it's up to you to make lemonade and settle for what you are dealt or take those lemons and shove them down life's throat and say enough! Stop wallowing in self-pity and take action. If you want something, go out and get it. Stop making excuses and start making things happen. It won't be easy, but it's worth it. So what are you waiting for? Shove those lemons down life's throat and make something great happen.

Life can suck. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Take those lemons and shove them down life's throat.

Life can be really unfair sometimes. It seems like every time things are going good, something comes along to mess it all up. And what's the point of trying to be positive and make the best of things? It's not like that ever gets you anywhere. So next time life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Take those lemons and shove them down life's throat. Let life know that you're not going to take its crap anymore. Screw being positive and optimistic - it's not going to do you any good in the long run. Stop trying to make the best out of a bad situation. Stop accepting the saying, perhaps it wasn't meant to be. All it does is set you up for disappointment. So go ahead and be angry. Be bitter. Either accept that Life sucks or accept that - only if you let it.

Roll with the punches but make sure to give life a black eye

One thing I've learned in life is that it's important to know when to roll with the punches and when to swing around with a spinning back fist. Life will never be fair to you. But that doesn't mean you should just sit back and take it. You need to fight back. You need to give life a black eye. Put life in a Muay Thai clinch and knee the heck out of it. Sure, you might get knocked down a few times, but if you keep getting back up, eventually you'll come out on top. And when you do, you'll be stronger and wiser for it. So don't be afraid to fight back. Don't be afraid to give life a black eye. It's the only way to win in the end.

Turn the other cheek and then stab life in the back

It seems like everywhere you look, someone is telling you to turn the other cheek. They say it's the peaceful thing to do. But what they don't tell you is that when you turn the other cheek, you're also letting life know that you will take whatever it throws at you. You're giving up your chance to fight back, to defend yourself, and to stand up for what's right. And if you're not careful, life will take advantage of you. So yes, turn the other cheek, but also spin around and stab life in the back while life is busy treating you like a good little doormat. So screw that noise. Don't turn the other cheek. Stand up for yourself and fight back.

Stop being soft and push back

Tired of being pushed around? Tired of being the one who always has to give in, the one who always has to be the bigger person? Stop always being the nice guy. It's time to stand up for yourself, to push back against those who have been taking advantage of you for too long. It's time to let them know that you are not going to take it anymore. No more being nice, no more being the doormat they can walk all over. It's time to show them that you are not going to take their crap anymore. It's time to push back.

Make things happen - take those lemons and shove them down life's throat

Life can be tough. There's no denying that. But it's also important to remember that we have the power to control our own destinies. Life is what we make of it, and if we want things to change, we have to take action. That means taking lemons and shoving the back down life's throat. It means not accepting the crap you are being dealt with. We have to be proactive and make things happen, instead of sitting around waiting for things to change on their own or hoping something good will happen. So the next time life hands you lemons, don't just sit there - shove them down life's throat and make things happen. Don't settle.

Don't let life push you around - stand up for yourself and fight back. These tips are just the beginning, but they'll help get you started on taking control of your life.

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