Do you feel like your Leadership team is too focused on technology?
Technology is important, but it's not everything. When it comes to running a business, you need to have the right balance between having the right technology and having an engaged, enabled, and empowered workforce that will manage and use that technology.
We believe that people are the most important part of any organization. That's why we focus on employee engagement, enablement, and empowerment. We want to make sure that your team has the tools they need to be successful.
Continue reading to learn more about finding the right balance between technology and people!

Chances are, the answer will vary depending on who is being asked the question. Executives and Management will state they have a balanced approach to managing the business. However, Operations teams will state that the focus is largely on technology, tools, and processes and not on the people.

When faced with business challenges, does your Leadership only turn to technology and processes to address the challenges or do they try to find the balance between having the right technology and processes and having an engaged, enabled, and empowered workforce that will manage and use that technology?

Organizations not only need to understand the delicate and important interactions between technology and processes, but they also need to realize the importance of an effective employee engagement, enablement, & empowerment system.

They need to implement a system that strives to better manage and understand how and why the employees are thinking and feeling a certain way, and how those thoughts and feelings are translating into actions or inactions. No matter how new or innovative the technology is, or how many processes have been written. Unless the employee behaviours are managed, understood, and addressed, service disruptions will always be inherent in the day to day operations.

What impact can a disconnected workforce have on your business?

It is understandable that CIOs and CTOs will turn to technology, tools, and processes to address organizational challenges. They have to demonstrate to the CEO and the Board that action is being taken. However, they must also find the balance between having the right technology and having an engaged and enabled workforce that will manage and use that technology.

As the Senior Management loses sight of the balance between technology & processes, and the people, and the scale is weighed heavily towards technology and processes, they will find that the disruptions will continue to persist. Until they realize the impact disconnected employees have on the uptime and availability of the services and the experience the customers receive. Risk will always exist.

In this blog, we will explore the topic in further detail.

As the business world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, it can be tempting for leaders to focus on the latest gadgets and tools rather than on their employees. However, this approach can ultimately be detrimental to the success of a company. While technology is certainly important, it should not be the primary focus of leadership. Instead, leaders should prioritize the development and well-being of their people.

One reason why a focus on technology can be problematic is that it can create a disconnect between leaders and employees. If a leader is more interested in the latest software than in the needs and concerns of their team, it can lead to a lack of trust and a decrease in morale. Employees may feel like they are not valued or that their contributions are not being recognized. This can lead to high turnover and a decrease in productivity.

On the other hand, when leaders prioritize their people, they create a positive and supportive work environment. This can lead to increased employee engagement and loyalty, resulting in higher levels of productivity and innovation. When employees feel valued and supported, they are more likely to go above and beyond in their work and contribute new ideas.

In addition, a focus on people can help to create a culture of continuous learning and development. By investing in the professional growth of their team, leaders can foster a culture of innovation and creativity. This can not only lead to the development of new products and services, but it can also help to attract top talent and retain valuable employees.

Another reason why a focus on technology can be problematic is that it can lead to a narrow-minded perspective. It is important for leaders to consider the bigger picture and to take a holistic approach to problem-solving. By solely focusing on technology, leaders may miss out on valuable insights and perspectives from their team. A diverse group of people with different backgrounds and experiences can bring a range of ideas and approaches to solving problems, which can lead to more creative and effective solutions.

Finally, a focus on people can lead to more ethical decision-making. When leaders prioritize the well-being and development of their team, they are more likely to consider the impact of their decisions on those people. This can help to create a culture of trust and integrity, which is essential for building strong relationships with customers, partners, and stakeholders.

In conclusion, while technology is certainly important, it should not be the primary focus of leadership. Instead, leaders should prioritize the development and well-being of their people. By doing so, they can create a positive and supportive work environment, foster a culture of continuous learning and development, consider a range of perspectives, and make more ethical decisions. Ultimately, a focus on people can lead to increased employee engagement, productivity, and innovation, as well as stronger relationships with customers and stakeholders.

What do you see in your organization? Is there a balance or is the scale weighed to one side?

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