This document outlines the IT Incident Backlog Management Process within the IT service management (ITSM) framework. It focuses on unresolved ITSM records, including Incidents, Problems, Changes, Service Requests, and Catalog Tasks, escalated for further resolution due to their complexity or the necessity for specialized attention.

A significant ITSM challenge is the accumulation of backlogs, which can vary in number and duration depending on the client and specific service demands. Factors such as inadequate knowledge management, insufficient skills, and gaps in training can significantly contribute to these backlogs, impacting service restoration and client satisfaction negatively.

This process document is designed to address these challenges by optimizing the flow rate of tickets, enhancing processing rates, and adhering to service level agreements (SLAs). It emphasizes the importance of a robust framework for managing the backlog, including effective queue management, continuous service improvement, and strategic use of performance analytics. The aim is to enhance client satisfaction and operational efficiency through improved handling of ITSM records.


The objective of the backlog management process is to:

  1. Ensure that tickets (Incidents, RITMs, Tasks, Problems, Changes) are monitored, managed, and resolved within a reasonable timeframe.
  2. Reduce client dissatisfaction stemming from delays.
  3. Provide timely updates to clients on ticket status.
  4. Minimize the risk of SLA breaches by avoiding unnecessary "SLA Hold" states.
  5. Avoid having tickets linger in queued states without being worked on.

Key Performance Metrics

  • Ticket resolution time: The average time taken to resolve incidents and service requests.
  • Backlog volume: The number of tickets in the backlog, broken down by incident type and severity.
  • Backlog aging: The length of time tickets have been unresolved, segmented into categories (e.g., less than 30 days, 30–60 days, 60–120 days, etc.).
  • Client escalations: The number of escalations due to unresolved tickets.
  • SLA adherence: The percentage of tickets resolved within the agreed SLA timeframes.

Process Flow

1. Incident Logging and Initial Triage

  • Initial Contact: All tickets should first be logged through the Service Desk and, where possible, resolved immediately (First Contact Resolution).
  • Triage: If unresolved, tickets are escalated to appropriate technical teams for further investigation. At this stage, it is critical to categorize tickets correctly to avoid delays caused by misclassification.

2. Assignment and Queue Management

  • Clear Assignment Process: Ensure tickets are assigned promptly based on skillsets, workload, and availability. Avoid situations where staff select their own tickets, which can result in cherry-picking easier tasks.
  • Queue Monitoring: Introduce automated alerts to notify teams when tickets have been in a queue for a defined period without progress.
  • Daily Queue Review: Team leads should conduct daily reviews of open tickets to ensure high-priority tickets are not stuck in queues for extended periods.

3. Incident Resolution

  • Work Prioritization: Tickets should be worked on in order of priority, using the urgency and impact matrix. Ensure that high-impact, business-critical incidents are given precedence over lower-priority issues.
  • Collaboration Across Teams: If a ticket requires multiple teams for resolution, ensure that there are clear lines of communication, and responsibility is defined to prevent "ping-ponging" of tickets.

4. Client Communication

  • Regular Updates: Provide clients with regular updates, even if there is no significant progress, to manage expectations and avoid escalations. A ticket should never age without a communication update.
  • Escalation Management: Establish clear escalation procedures for when tickets exceed a certain age, so clients are reassured that long-standing issues are being addressed.

5. Backlog Monitoring and Reporting

  • Weekly Backlog Review: Perform a weekly review of the backlog, focusing on tickets that are aging or have been escalated. Highlight bottlenecks, staffing issues, or process inefficiencies causing delays.
  • Aging Reports: Generate reports that track the aging of tickets (e.g., 0–30 days, 30–60 days, 60–90 days) to identify patterns and assign resources to older tickets as needed.

Processes Contributing to Causing the Backlog

  1. Queue Management (OM18) - Poor queue management can lead to significant delays in ticket processing, which contributes to a backlog. Ineffective sorting and prioritization of incoming tickets can slow down the resolution process.
  2. Workloads/Demand Management (OM1) - If workload and demand are not accurately predicted or managed, it can lead to overloading of teams, which directly impacts their ability to address tickets efficiently.
  3. Service Level Management (OM12) - Inadequate SLA definitions or failure to adhere to SLA timelines can lead to unresolved tickets piling up.
  4. Resource Management (OM9) - Insufficient allocation of resources, whether human or technological, can delay the resolution process and increase backlogs.

Processes Essential in Managing the Backlog

  1. Continual Service Improvement (FLM7) - Regularly assessing and improving processes, tools, and training can help in efficiently managing backlogs by addressing systemic issues and inefficiencies.
  2. Performance Management – Analytics & Optimization (OM13) - Utilizing analytics to monitor ticket resolution times, identify bottlenecks, and optimize processes is crucial for managing and reducing backlogs.
  3. Issues/Escalations Management (OM16) - Effectively managing escalations can help in prioritizing and resolving high-impact tickets that may otherwise contribute to the backlog.
  4. Risk Management (OM8) - Identifying and mitigating risks associated with high backlog counts, such as potential breaches of SLA and customer dissatisfaction, is vital for backlog management.

Additional Supportive Processes

  • Cross Department Management (UM5) - Coordination between different departments can help in the swift resolution of tickets that require interdisciplinary knowledge or action.
  • Vendor Management (UM6) - Managing vendor-related issues efficiently ensures that any tickets requiring external support do not remain unresolved for long, thus avoiding additional backlog.


1. Avoiding Backlogs

  • Understand Workload Dynamics: Continuously monitor incoming ticket volumes and adjust staffing levels to manage surges in workload. If volumes are increasing beyond team capacity, reallocate resources or onboard additional staff temporarily to manage peaks.
  • First Call Resolution: Invest in training Service Desk agents to resolve more tickets at first contact, which reduces the need for escalation and helps prevent the buildup of backlogs.
  • Skills and Knowledge Management: Ensure that technical teams are well-trained and have access to an up-to-date knowledge base. Regular training on emerging technologies and processes will prevent delays caused by skill gaps.
  • Queue and Assignment Automation: Implement automation to assign tickets based on priority, expertise, and team availability. Avoid manual assignment processes where delays can occur.

2. Managing Existing Backlogs

  • Prioritize by Age and Severity: Use a combination of ticket aging and severity to prioritize the backlog. Create defined SLAs for how long a ticket should remain in a particular status before it is escalated.
  • Set Up Aging Ticket Thresholds: Establish aging thresholds for ticket escalation. For example, tickets older than 30 days should trigger an automatic alert to management for escalation or reassignment.
  • Implement Weekly Backlog Clear-Out Sessions: Set aside specific times each week for teams to focus exclusively on closing out the backlog. Prioritize older tickets and tickets where clients have raised escalations.
  • Cross-Team Collaboration: Ensure that backlogged tickets that require multiple teams are resolved through cross-functional collaboration. Avoid finger-pointing between teams by having a clear ownership model for each ticket.
  • Utilize SLA Holds Appropriately: Tickets should only be placed on hold when awaiting information or action from the client or vendor. Ensure these holds are justified, and regularly review tickets on hold to avoid unnecessary delays.

3. Continuous Improvement

  • Root Cause Analysis: Conduct a root cause analysis on why certain types of tickets are more likely to backlog (e.g., due to resource constraints, lack of technical skills, or outdated tools). Use this analysis to implement process improvements.
  • Feedback Loops: Create feedback loops between the Service Desk and technical teams to share insights on what’s working and what’s not in resolving tickets promptly. Regularly update processes to reflect these learnings.
  • Technology and Toolset Assessment: Regularly assess whether the current ticketing system, remote management tools, and reporting tools are adequate to manage ticket volumes effectively. Upgrade or replace outdated tools to ensure efficiency.


Managing the IT Incident Backlog effectively requires a combination of proactive planning, clear communication, and continuous improvement. By avoiding backlog buildup through smart queue management, skills development, and automated ticket assignment, organizations can ensure better client satisfaction, faster incident resolution, and improved service delivery.