The sun rises, illuminating the garden of your life. Each plant represents a relationship, a connection, a bond. They all need water, sunlight, and care. Some plants you've nurtured since the day you were born, others you've added along the way. But do all these plants get the attention they deserve?

The Time Before "Us"

Before the whirlwind romance and the heady days of love, there was just you. You, with your passions, hobbies, dreams, and connections. You had your routines, your favorite spots, and your little world consisting of family and friends.

Time was a luxury. You nurtured your bonds with parents, siblings, and friends. You invested in self-care, exploring new interests, and chasing dreams. The plant that was "You" flourished in the sunlight of self-love and familial bonds.

Entering the "Us" Phase

Then, love happened. Another beautiful plant was added to your garden: your partner. Suddenly, the garden was more vibrant, filled with colors and emotions you hadn’t experienced before. But as with any new addition, it demanded time and care. Slowly, without realizing, the water can started to pour more on this new plant, while older plants started to wilt from neglect.

Your time with family shortened, catch-ups with friends became rarer, and self-care took a back seat. But it’s crucial to remember, for a garden to truly flourish, every plant needs its share of sunlight and water.

The Arrival of Little Saplings

Children, the beautiful saplings, enter the picture. They need constant care, attention, and love. And rightly so. But in this process, the time for yourself, your partner, family, and friends diminishes even further. The scales tip, the balance tilts, and slowly resentment simmers, frustrations mount. It's not just you; your partner feels it too.

Seeking Balance in the Garden of Life

Neglect, whether conscious or subconscious, can lead to the drying up of relationships. The plant that is "You" might wither away, leaving behind a shadow of its former self. But it doesn't have to be this way.

  1. Prioritize Self-Care: The plant that is "You" needs sunlight and water. Allocate time for yourself, engage in activities that rejuvenate you, and remember that self-love isn’t selfish.
  2. Date Nights: Rekindle the romance with your partner. It’s easy to get lost in the chaos of life, but setting aside time for just the two of you can work wonders.
  3. Family and Friends: They were there before, and they'll be there always. Organize family dinners, catch up with old friends, and re-establish those bonds.
  4. Seek Help: If things become overwhelming, seek counseling or therapy. A professional can provide tools and strategies to maintain balance in your relationships.


Life is a beautiful garden, and you are its gardener. Every plant, every relationship, is precious. Just as a garden thrives with a balance of sunlight, water, and care, so do the relationships in our lives. Ensure you're watering all the plants, for a garden in full bloom is a sight to behold.

Remember, life is not about how much time you have, but how you choose to spend it. Make every moment count, and let every relationship flourish.