Do These Thoughts and Feelings Resonate With You and Your Staff?
Feeling frustrated because your business is constantly dealing with service disruptions?
You're not alone. Many organizations struggle with these same issues. But what you may not realize is that the root cause of these problems often lies with your employees.
We want to help you get to the bottom of these issues and fix them for good. We have a passion for helping businesses succeed and we know that employee connectedness is key to making that happen.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you and your staff be more engaged and empowered!
As organizations struggle with service disruptions that impact their business, they typically look to:
- Replace the underlying technology,
- Replace the service providers of the failing service,
- Outsource the failing service,
- In-source the failing service,
- Secure the services of high priced consulting firms to rewrite processes, or
- Start a costly enterprise transformation
All this prior to understanding the true root cause of the problems. They do this because they are under pressure to show that action is being taken.
What they fail to realize is the impact of employee connectedness on the service disruptions. When employees are not engaged, not empowered, or not enabled, the availability, reliability, maintainability, and serviceability of the organization will be at risk. And ultimately, the Organization's Revenue, Profits, and Customer Satisfaction targets.
As some Executives have said, it is much easier to replace a piece of hardware then it is to invest in better understanding and connecting with your employees.
Success in implementing organizational change that is designed minimize service disruptions, not only depends on understanding the delicate and important interactions between technology, tools, processes, management, & governance systems, but it realizes the importance of an effective employee engagement, enablement, & empowerment system.
A system that strives to better understand how and why the employees are thinking and feeling a certain way, and how those thoughts and feelings are translating into actions or inactions. No matter how new or innovative the technology is, or how many processes have been written, unless the employee behaviours are understood and addressed, the organization will always struggle with implementing change, and risk will always be inherent in the day to day operations.
Do you know what your employees are thinking and feeling? Do you think there could be a connection to the disruptions you might be experiencing and how your employees are thinking and feeling?

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