Discrimination is a serious issue that should not be taken lightly.
Though the reasons behind discrimination may differ, the effects are always adverse. It creates an unfair society where some people have more advantages than others.
We need to end discrimination now. It's time for us to come together as one and create a society that is fair for everyone.
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Discrimination is the unjust treatment of different categories of people. It can be defined as the differentiation of people based on their skin color, race, nationality, caste, gender or other such factors. Discrimination has been happening since ancient times and is still prevalent in today's society. There are several reasons why people discriminate against others. Some may do it out of ignorance or hatred while others may do it to gain an advantage over someone else. Whatever the reason might be, discrimination is wrong and should not be tolerated.

How people discriminate against others to gain advantage over someone else

People discriminate against others to gain an advantage over them in a number of ways. One way is by denying them education, employment or other opportunities. Another way is by verbally abusing or humiliating them. People may also use violence or threats to bully someone into submission. Discrimination can also take the form of sexual harassment or unwanted touching. All of these actions are wrong and should not be tolerated.

Top 10 list of how people discriminate against others to gain advantage over someone else

1. Denying someone education or employment opportunities

2. Verbally abusing or humiliating someone

3. Using violence or threats to bully someone into submission

4. Discriminating against someone sexually

5. Making unwanted sexual advances

6. Touching someone without consent

7. Refusing to service someone because of their race, religion, gender, etc.

8. Charging different prices for the same product or service based on skin color, race, nationality, caste, gender or other such factors

9. Excluding people from social gatherings or public places based on their skin color, race, nationality, caste, gender or other such factors

10. Telling jokes about certain groups of people that are meant to be insulting and offensive

Why people discriminate out of ignorance or hatred

There are a number of reasons why people might discriminate against others out of ignorance or hatred. Some people may be raised to believe that one group of people is superior to another and thus, they act on those beliefs. Others may simply not know any better and may have been taught erroneous information about certain groups of people. And then there are the haters – those who discriminate against others because they simply enjoy seeing others suffer. Whatever the reason might be, discrimination is wrong and should not be tolerated.

Top 10 reasons why people discriminate out of ignorance or hatred

1. Lack of knowledge or understanding about other cultures and races

2. Misinformation about other cultures and races

3. Prejudice against others based on their skin color, race, nationality, caste, gender or other such factors

4. The belief that one group of people is superior to another

5. Ignorance about the fact that everyone is equal

6. Hatred towards others because of who they are or what they believe in

7. Fear of the unknown or different

8. Unwillingness to learn about other cultures and races

9. Feeling threatened by others who are different from them

10. Wanting to maintain the status quo by keeping things the way they are

There are a number of reasons why people might discriminate against others out of ignorance or hatred. Some people may be raised to believe that one group of people is superior to another and thus, they act on those beliefs. Others may simply not know any better and may have been taught erroneous information about certain groups of people. And then there are the haters – those who discriminate against others because they simply enjoy seeing others suffer. Whatever the reason might be, discrimination is wrong and should not be tolerated.

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