Unable to view all of your Planned Holidays, Work/Live Locations, Custody Times, Child/Alimony Payment Schedules, Doctor’s & School appointments, and any other Custody related events on an online SECURE CALENDAR. This can lead to disorganization, missed events, and conflict, resulting in false allegations that you are not an organized parent.

In the aftermath of a divorce, managing multiple responsibilities such as planned holidays, work/life locations, custody times, child/alimony payment schedules, and various appointments can become a daunting task. This is where secure calendaring comes into play, an essential tool to streamline and organize all aspects of post-divorce life.

Unfortunately, a lack of access or understanding of such a tool can lead to disorganization, missed events, and increased conflict. These challenges can result in false allegations that you are not an organized parent, further straining relationships and potentially affecting legal outcomes. This guide will delve into the causes, impacts, legal considerations, and strategies for using secure calendaring effectively.


Inadequate Planning and Coordination:

Disorganization: Without a central hub to manage schedules, events can be overlooked or double-booked, leading to chaos.

Lack of Communication: Absence of a shared platform for both parties can result in misunderstandings and disputes.

  • Disorganization due to lack of central planning
  • Communication breakdown between parties


Strained Relationships:

  • Conflict with Ex-Partner: Confusion over schedules can lead to unnecessary arguments and increased tension.
  • Impact on Children: Inconsistent routines and missed events can create instability for children involved.


  • Increased conflict with ex-partner
  • Negative impact on children's well-being

Legal Consideration:

Potential Legal Consequences:

Contempt of Court: Failure to comply with custody agreements due to disorganization can lead to legal penalties.

Affecting Custody Rights: Disorganization may be used against you in court, potentially impacting custody arrangements.

  • Risk of legal penalties including contempt of court
  • Potential impact on custody rights

Strategies for Protecting Oneself:

  • Utilize a secure and shared calendar platform
  • Regularly update and communicate changes with all parties involved
  • Seek legal advice if disagreements arise

Strategies for Rebuilding:

Establishing a Cohesive System:

Adopting Technology: Utilizing a secure calendaring system fosters cooperation and reduces misunderstandings.

Setting Boundaries: Clearly defined rules and responsibilities can make navigation smoother.

  • Adoption of secure calendaring technology
  • Clear definition of rules and responsibilities


Secure calendaring is not merely a tool but a lifeline in the complex landscape of divorce and custody. By understanding its importance, recognizing the challenges, and implementing the right strategies, it becomes possible to avoid unnecessary conflicts and create a harmonious post-divorce life. This guide serves as a roadmap to help individuals navigate this critical aspect of their journey, providing the organization, clarity, and peace of mind needed to rebuild and move forward.