Track Custody, Document Issues, and Use Journal Therapy!

Congratulations, hopefully you were able to finalize your divorce in a manner that allowed you, your spouse, and your children to win. It does not help where one side wins and the other side loses. Because in the end, when either spouse loses, the children always lose.

Now that the divorce is final and you have a detailed, black and white separation agreement, you might be thinking it is time to move on with your life. While that is a goal to look forward to, experience has shown that, until the children are no long “Child of the Marriage” according to the Divorce and Family Acts, you will continue to deal with your Ex-Spouse.

It is crucial, especially in a divorce that was acrimonious, that you watch yourself and be prepared for any attack your Ex-Spouse will throw at you. Even if the divorce was amicable, it has been seen that if your Ex-Spouse meets someone new, they might influence your spouse towards some negative behaviour.

Use the list below to stay on top of your game and be prepared. Incorporate the recommendations as part of your daily life. Document and track with evidence all custody and access times. Document and Report on all interactions, issues and concerned with supporting evidence. Make use of journal therapy to ensure you are managing your thoughts and feelings and finding the best way forward.

  • Continue to track custody and custody interactions with evidence
  • Continue to document issues
  • Continue to use Journal Therapy
  • Continue with Counselling
  • Watch for behavioural changes in children
  • Move forward with your life