Client experiences are being negatively impacted by issues such as poor communication, lack of transparency, unresponsive customer service, and inadequate products or services.
These issues can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction among clients, resulting in a decline in business and a negative reputation. In addition, external factors such as industry trends and competition can further exacerbate these problems.
To improve client experiences and address these issues, it is necessary to adopt a comprehensive approach that considers all relevant factors and involves the participation and collaboration of all stakeholders. This can include implementing better communication channels, increasing transparency and accountability, improving customer service responsiveness, and enhancing the quality and value of products or services. It may also involve adapting to industry trends and staying ahead of competition. By addressing the root causes of these issues and implementing effective strategies, it is possible to significantly improve client experiences and drive business success.

Client experience is a crucial factor in the success of any business, as it directly impacts customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, there are several issues that can negatively impact client experiences, such as poor communication, lack of transparency, unresponsive customer service, and inadequate products or services. These issues can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction among clients, leading to a decline in business and a negative reputation.

Factors that can impact client experiences include the quality of products or services, the level of personalization and customization, the efficiency and effectiveness of processes, and the overall culture and values of the organization. In addition, external factors such as industry trends and competition can also affect client experiences.

To address these issues and improve client experiences, it is necessary to identify and understand the root causes and implement effective strategies to address them. This requires a comprehensive approach that considers all relevant factors and involves the participation and collaboration of all stakeholders.

The Client Experience Analysis process begins with data collection. This data can come from a variety of sources, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observations. Once the data has been collected, it is analyzed to identify patterns and trends. This analysis can be used to identify factors that have a positive or negative impact on client satisfaction.

Clients, whether Internal or External, expect their products and services to be available when they need them. Any disruptions in the form of unplanned interruptions or degraded performance can have a significant impact in the ability of the Users to conduct their business and have a negative impact on the business performance in the form of impacted revenues, profits, and customer/employee satisfaction. The Client Experience Analysis process aims to establish a mechanism where data can be harvested to identify factors that have both a positive and negative impact on the Client Experience.

This data can then be used to help improve the client experience by implementing changes that aim to reduce the negative impacts and/or amplify the positive impacts.

The first step in conducting a Client Experience Analysis is to establish what factors will be measured. These factors can be divided into two main categories: those that are within the control of the company and those that are outside of the company's control. Once the factors have been identified, data needs to be collected in order to establish baselines and identify any trends.

This data can come from a variety of sources, such as the top six areas that provide the greatest insights: 1 – Customer Satisfaction, 2 – Customer Escalations, 3 – First Call Resolution rates at the Service Desk, 4 - Ticket Backlogs, 5 - MTTR, and 6 - Employee Experience.

The Client Experience Analysis process is a valuable tool for understanding the factors that have both a positive and negative impact on client satisfaction. If you would like to learn more about how your business can improve its client experience, contact us today. Our team of experts has years of experience helping businesses deliver exceptional customer experiences. We look forward to working with you!

The Objective of The Process:

The Objective of the Client Experience Analysis process is to understand, manage, and improve the overall client experience by maintaining focus on the top six areas that provide the greatest insights: 1 – Customer Satisfaction, 2 – Customer Escalations, 3 – First Call Resolution rates at the Service Desk, 4 - Ticket Backlogs, 5 - MTTR, and 6 - Employee Experience.

  • Understand all elements are the Customer Satisfaction surveys are comprised of 1 – Incoming Volumes, Surveys Sent, Surveys Received, Comments of Satisfied Users, Comments of Unsatisfied Users, Personas of the Users, Personas Of the Technical Teams, Types of issues contributing to Sat/Dissat surveys, etc.
  • Understand all the escalations from a quantitative and qualitative standpoint.
  • Understand the Service Desk efficiency rates
  • Understand the impact of Response/Resolve Times (MTTR) on Customer Satisfaction
  • Understand the impact of Ticket Backlogs on Customer Satisfaction
  • Understand the impact of Employee Experience on Customer Satisfaction

Sample List of Benefits:

  • Improved survey response rates
  • Improved satisfaction scores and reduced dissatisfied scores
  • Reduced escalations
  • Improved response/resolve times to escalations
  • Improve First Time Fix rates at the service desk
  • Improved Employee Experience

Sample List of Observations:

  • Impact of Backlog on CSAT scores
  • Lower survey return rates
  • Lack of responsiveness from the Technical Teams to dissatisfied comments
  • Lack of actions being taken from the Technical Teams to address chronic reasons for dissatisfied surveys
  • Delayed response to escalations
  • Lack of action on escalations
  • Lack of understanding and addressing of chronic issues contributing to the escalations
  • Lack of process compliance at the Service Desk leading to missed First Time Fix opportunities
  • Issues with Skills at the Service Desk
  • Issues with Knowledge Management at the Service Desk
  • Issues with Quality Management at the Service Desk
  • Issues with Service Desk Line Management systems

Sample List of Areas to Probe (Customer Satisfaction):

  • What is the monthly incident volume? PBA
  • What is the monthly survey count (sent)? PBA
  • What is the monthly survey count (received)? PBA
  • What is the industry baseline for surveys received?
  • What percentage do surveys represent of the total volume?
  • What is the monthly breakdown of Sat and Dissat surveys? PBA
  • How many dissats have comments?
  • What is the quality of the dissat comments?
  • Conduct sensitivity analysis of the dissat comments to detect any signals.
  • Plot the dissats across a PBA time series and see if any patterns exist?
  • Are the dissats confined to a time of hour
  • Are the dissats confined to a time of day
  • Are the dissats confined to a day of the week
  • Are the dissats confined to a week of the month
  • Are the dissats confined to a time of quarter
  • Are the dissats confined to a month of the year
  • Check if the dissats are for the survey sent or is the user referring to something else. Waiver.
  • Check if the dissats are for child tickets. Waiver.
  • What RCA categories do the dissats fall into? PARETO
  • Which towers are generating the dissats and what are the dissat categories?
  • Which assignment groups are generating the dissats and what are the dissat categories?
  • Which agents are generating the dissats and what are the dissat categories?
  • What types of tickets (Category/Subcategory/Requested Item) are generating the dissats?
  • Which users/business units/organization/location/country are generating the dissats?
  • Which type of users (Standard/VIP) are generating dissats?

Sample List of Areas to Probe (Escalations):

  • What is the monthly incident volume? PBA
  • What is the monthly escalation count? PBA
  • What percentage do escalations represent of the total volume?
  • What is the monthly breakdown of Uplift and Overdue escalations?
  • How many escalations have comments?
  • What is the quality of the escalation comments?
  • Conduct sensitivity analysis of the escalation comments to detect any signals.
  • Plot the escalations across a PBA time series and see if any patterns exist?
  • Are the escalations confined to a time of hour
  • Are the escalations confined to a time of day
  • Are the escalations confined to a day of the week
  • Are the escalations confined to a week of the month
  • Are the escalations confined to a time of quarter
  • Are the escalations confined to a month of the year
  • What RCA categories do the escalations fall into? PARETO
  • Which towers are generating the escalations and what are the escalations categories?
  • Which assignment groups are generating the escalations and what are the escalations categories?
  • Which agents are generating the escalations and what are the escalations categories?
  • What types of tickets (Category/Subcategory/Requested Item) are generating the escalations?
  • Which users/business units/organization/location/country are generating the escalations?
  • Which type of users (Standard/VIP) are generating escalations?

Sample List of Areas to Probe (MTTR):

  • Collect and review the MTTR YTD performance with Opened and Resolved/Closed flow rates
  • Identify any patterns, signals, anomalies
  • Identify if there are issues with MIO skills, capability, and capacity
  • Identify if there are issues with response times
  • Identify if there are issues with restoration times
  • Identify if there are issues with coordination on MIO bridge calls
  • Identify if there are skills and capabilities issues
  • Identify if there are capacity issue
  • Identify if there are issues with vendor engagement
  • Identify if there are issues with L2/L3 engagement
  • Identify if there are issues with recovery procedures
  • Identify which teams have contributed to higher MTTR
  • Identify which agents are contributing to higher MTTR
  • Identify which Applications/Infra components are contributing to MTTR
  • Identify via a time series analysis of MTTR varies by time of day, day of week, week of the month, month of the year
  • Identify if MTTR is impacted if issues span multiple teams
  • Identify if MTTR varies on repeat/chronic issues
  • Identify if there are issues with monitoring and alerting
  • Identify if there are issues with event management

Sample List of Areas to Probe (Ticket Backlogs):

  • Compare overall Backlog count to the Healthy Backlog target that has been set and determine if the current backlog is healthy or unhealthy? To determine the healthy target, factor in, incoming volumes, resolution SLAs,  typical SLA hold usage, 3 strike policy, etc.
  • Compare current backlog to previous week backlog count and determine % increase/decrease.
  • Explain the root cause of any variance.
  • Have overall counts changed?
  • Have counts in various buckets changed due to work being done or lack of work and tickets are shifting to the right? (30 days to 60 days to 120 days, etc.)
  • Review distribution of aging tickets across a by-week timeline to identify severely aged tickets. Explain the aged tickets.
  • Review aged tickets by Incident State and Days Aging and compare current week against previous week to identify shifts in age groups.
  • Review aged tickets by Incident State and Days Aging to identify the distribution of aged tickets by state and days aging. Identify oldest groups and explain why.
  • Review aged tickets by Incident State and Last Update date (by week) to identify which tickets have not been updated in a timely manner.
  • Review aged tickets by Incident State, Days Aging and Escalation Type to identify if Users are escalation aged tickets.
  • Review aged tickets by Incident State Reason and Days Aging to identify reasons for why backlog tickets are on SLA Hold.
  • Review aged tickets by category and days aging to identify and anomalies. Drill down by looking at short description.
  • Review aged tickets by subcategory and days aging to identify and anomalies. Drill down by looking at short description.
  • Review aged tickets by contact type and days aging to identify and anomalies. Drill down by looking at short description.
  • Review aged tickets by Assigned To and days aging to identify and anomalies. Drill down by looking at short description.
  • Review aged tickets by Assignment group and days aging to identify and anomalies. Drill down by looking at short description.

Sample List of Areas to Probe (FCR):

  • Review skills and training management program which includes skill gap analysis at regular intervals
  • Review the knowledgebase and ensure there is a knowledge management program in place to provide current and accurate information
  • Review the total quality management program to ensure that calls, tickets, surveys and other sources of work are being looked at to improve the overall quality.
  • Review the service performance management program. Specifically, the reporting and measurements system to track and trend the team's performance.
  • Review the service performance management program. Specifically, the analytics and optimization system to ensure insights are being harvested from their performance and recommendations are being made to drive improvement.
  • Review the continual service improvement program. Ensure all observations and findings are being tracked in the CSI register and improvement is being made.
  • Review employee engagement, enablement, and empowerment systems. Specifically, implement an awards and recognition program. Having engaged and connected employees will contribute to the FCR results.

Sample List of Areas to Probe (Employee Experience):

  • Review Employee Engagement, Enablement, and Empowerment systems to reconnect with employees:
  • EE1 - Employee Development
  • EE2 - Communications
  • EE3 - Employee/Manager Feedback Programs
  • EE4 - Monthly Accomplishments
  • EE5 - Employee Council
  • EE6 - Employee Social Events
  • EE7 - Awards and Recognition Program
  • EE8 - Round Table Discussions with Sr. Leaders
  • EE9 - Skip Level Interviews with Sr. Leaders
  • EE10 - Structured 1-on-1 Meetings
  • EE11 - Structure Team Meetings
  • EE12 - Pre-Shift Process / Daily WHY
  • EE13 - Weekly Scorecard / Monthly Operational Reports
  • EE14 -Inter-Department Management
  • EE15 - Employee Lunch and Learns
  • EE16 - Employee Roles and Responsibilities
  • EE 17 - Employee Performance Reviews Management

Exercise: What elements of the Operational Management Framework do you think have an impact on Client Experience?

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