The phrase "a cappuccino, it's a brown at the bottom, then layer of white on top" is a metaphor that refers to a work environment that is dominated by a specific group, typically an older, male-dominated group. The metaphor implies that the top layer of the cappuccino, symbolizing the leadership and decision-making positions in the workplace, is white, indicating that these positions are predominantly occupied by white individuals. Meanwhile, the bottom layer, symbolizing the lower-level employees and positions, is brown, implying that these positions are mostly filled by individuals from underrepresented groups, such as people of color.

This phrase highlights the systemic inequality and lack of diversity and inclusion in many work environments, where certain groups are not given equal opportunities to advance and reach leadership positions. It's similar to the concept of an "old boys club," which refers to a network of influential individuals, usually men, who are connected through their personal or professional relationships and who use their power and influence to maintain the status quo and prevent diversity and inclusion.

The use of this metaphor highlights the need for change in many workplaces and serves as a call to action for individuals to work towards creating more diverse and inclusive environments. It's crucial for individuals to be aware of these issues and work towards creating a more equitable workplace where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed and reach their full potential.