Do you love buying things you don't need?
Most of us have been there, buying things we don't need but can't resist. In this blog post, we explore the phenomenon and try to answer the question: why do we do it?
Maybe you're curious as to why you do this or maybe you just want to know more about the psychology behind it all. Either way, read on to find out more about why we buy what we don't need.
Continue reading our latest blog post on the subject!

It's happened to all of us at some point. I recall nearly every time I visit Rona, Home Depot, or Home Hardware, I go in for one thing, and I end up leaving with many other things. Usually, cool tools. Although i have no idea what they do, I always tell myself I will find a use. At some point, usually, months later, I start to look for problems to fix with the new tools. And in some cases, end up creating new problems.

Why do we do this? Is it because we can't resist the urge to buy? Or is there something else going on? In this blog post, we'll explore the phenomenon of buying things we don't need and try to answer the question: why do we do it?

There are a few possible explanations for this behaviour.

First, it could be that we're simply overwhelmed by the number of choices available to us. In today's market, there are more products than ever before, and it can be tough to make a decision when we're presented with so many options.

Second, we might be influenced by marketing and advertising. Companies are experts at creating a need for their products, even when we didn't know we had that need in the first place.

And finally, it could be that we're just trying to keep up with the Joneses. In our society, there's a lot of pressure to keep up with the latest trends, and sometimes that means buying things we don't really need.

So, why do we buy what we don't need? There could be any number of reasons. But one thing is for sure: it's a phenomenon that's not going away anytime soon.

The moral of the story is this: be careful when you are shopping for solutions. Sometimes, we get so excited about a new product or tool that we forget to ask ourselves if it’s really what we need.

Before you buy something shiny, take a step back and assess the problem you’re trying to solve. Is there an existing solution that will work just as well – or better? Resist the urge to buy something because it looks cool and might come in handy someday; think long-term about how your purchase will impact your life. Instead, invest in products and tools that solve real problems for you. That way, not only will you be happier with your purchases, but you’ll also save yourself

Thanks for reading!